For Canadian students that have or have lost a parent to ALS. Many students struggle maintaining good grades while a parent fights ALS. For those with the fortitude to stay focused in school and be a success graduating, L.I.F.T. ALS will award multiple annual scholarships or bursaries through an essay writing contest. The essay will be on the impact ALS has had on them, and how the battle to continue with a successful education impacted them.
University - 4 Year Program
- $1000.00 per year for .
- Must provide copy of acceptance letter from chosen institution with essay
- Must maintain a 77% average to receive year 2, 3 &.
College - 2 Year Program
$500.00 per year
Must provide copy of acceptance letter from chosen institution with essay
Must maintain a 77% average to receive year 2
Multiple or single one time bursary dependent on fund availability and number of essays submitted.
Essay Requirements
2000 to 4000 words
Must include date of diagnosis and death if applicable
Must include coping mechanisms or resources that assisted in highschool success
Must be double spaced, Arial, 12pt font
File format must be .docx or .pdf
Cover letter outlining School and chosen program
By submitting an essay to L.I.F.T. ALS you agree to release the content to the board for publishing your story wether you are successful in winning or not. Submission deadline for 2016/17 academic year is May 1, 2016 and winners will be selected and notified by June 15, 2016.
Please submit to: