Lead and Inspire

Lead and Inspire

What is L.I.F.T. ALS?

Founded by Coach Trevor Cranney in 2015,  L.I.F.T. ALS (Lead & Inspire Families Touched by ALS) is a Canadian Non-Profit dedicated to ending the financial burden of ALS on children and families. 

Mission Statement

To lead and inspire Canadians fighting ALS to live with ALS not to die from it while empowering children in families touched by ALS to continue to pursue their goals in education, sports and the arts.

Vision Statement

To reduce or eliminate the financial burden on Canadian families living with ALS.

Trevor Cranney

President and CIO

Co-founder of L.I.F.T. ALS in June 2015.

Diagnosed with ALS in December of 2012, Trevor almost immediately accepted his prognosis and began planning his future living with ALS.  Having raised over $70,000 since diagnosis for ALS Societies across Canada, and not seeing any immediate results, Trevor began researching the process to start a charity focused on making an immediate positive impact for children and families fighting ALS.

A proven business leader, Trevor has always accepted challenges and met them with a determination to succeed. He knows the value of teamwork and readily acknowledges his teammates efforts in his team’s accomplishments.  Capitalizing on his business and coaching experience, Trevor will lead and inspire the growth of  L.I.F.T. ALS through different events and fundraising initiatives. When asked about the future of the nonprofit, he stated: "The future is bright for families fighting ALS, research is making huge discoveries on a regular basis. ALS isn't incurable, it is underfunded. Until there is a significant treatment or cure, we will continue to support families in order to diminish the financial impact the disease has on an ALS family’s children."