Lead and Inspire

Lead and Inspire



This program is close to the heart of one of our founders, Coach Cranney. Children's activities are often the first thing cut from family finances when budgeting life with ALS. This program will issue grants with a direct pay to the supplier of the applicants child's activity allowing children to continue to play hockey or other sport, to continue with dance or voice lessons or to continue with paid tutor services. The idea behind this program is that as this destructive disease attacks a parent, that children have an outlet or distraction. These children are Heroes.

Program guidelines:
Applications submitted to L.I.F.T. ALS
Grants paid out twice a year
Applicants will be notified and provided written confirmation
Service providers will be paid directly and receipts made out to L.I.F.T. ALS.

L.I.F.T. ALS Post Secondary Scholarship Program

For students that have or have lost a parent to ALS. Many students struggle maintaining good grades while a parent fights ALS. For those with the fortitude to stay focused in school and be a success graduating, L.I.F.T. ALS will award multiple annual scholarships through an essay writing contest. The essay will be on the impact ALS has had on them, and how the battle to continue with a successful education impacted them.

$1000.00 per year for University 4 year program,
Must provide copy of acceptance letter from chosen institution with essay
Must maintain a 77% average to receive year 2, 3 and 4

$500.00 per year for College 2 year program,
Must provide copy of acceptance letter from chosen institution with essay
Must maintain a 77% average to receive year 2

Essay requirements:
- 2000 to 4000 words
- Must include date of diagnosis and death if applicable
- Must include coping mechanisms or resources that assisted in highschool success
- Must be double spaced, Arial, 12pt font
- File format must be .docx or .pdf

Loan Cupboard and Supply Grants

Although there is a loan cupboard run by the ALS Society it is drastically under filled with items people need. The financial strain of purchasing the items for daily care, and living a life with ALS is overwhelming. We hope to partner with the Society in providing and subsidizing items they do not fund. Things such as wheelchair lifts so that people can come and go from their homes, or a ramp, or stair lifts so that access is un-impeded to the entire family home. Expensive renovations to bathrooms or other areas would be subsidized or donated through a network of contractors.

Live Life Bucket List Grant

On an annual basis, we would like to inspire families to live life and experience one family experience which they would have had ALS not intruded on their plans. Often times families shut down, stop living life and wallow in the pain that ALS causes, who can blame them? With this program we can help create happy memories, that those left behind can remember, that regardless of what life deals you, you can make the best of it.

U Need A L.I.F.T.

Accessible transportation is expensive and often not within a families means. People with ALS lose the ability to drive themselves and once confined to a wheelchair stop attending important appointments such as quarterly clinics. According to the Ottawa Hospital Clinic that follows patients from Champlain district which has approximately 110 known ALS fighters only about 45% attend clinic. The majority of those that do not attend clinic are from the area outside the service area of OCTranspo accessible services. Rural services into Ottawa can be expensive or unavailable when needed. L.I.F.T. ALS will provide accessible transportation to clinic in Ottawa. This service will be volunteer driven and at no charge.